Home Learning

Friday 10th Sept 2021

Friday 10th Sept  – Spellings to be tested Friday 17th Sept


Please support your child at home with the spellings below. These should be familiar as they are tricky words which the children have learnt in reception and that we will be recapping next week in class.

  we     be    me     he     she    what    when     have     love


We will be introducing the idea of a spelling test to the children this week, please do not worry.

We will encourage all children to try their best and will be praising their effort not answers. These words will be practiced throughout the year so please do not worry if your child cannot spell them all. You could focus on the first 2 or 3.

We will use the spelling tests to identify where we can best support the children in class.

If your child is confident spelling these words on their own you can support them at home by asking them to apply the word in a simple sentence.



This week we are getting back into the swing of all things Maths!

We have been doing lots of counting and representing numbers using objects around us. I have sent home a number formation line and pen. Please support your child at home with forming their numbers correctly as this is a vital skill.

If they are confident using the number formation line it would be a great help for them to write their numbers on paper and refer back to the number formation line to check all of their numbers are the right way around!

Thanks for your continued support