
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

This week in Maths, Year 6 have been working hard to find fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. They have had to combine all of their learning on fractions and decimals from before Christmas in order to be able to compare the numbers accurately with percentages.

Lots of us found that the easiest way to compare the numbers was to either convert all the values to fractions with a denominator of 100 or to convert them all to percentages (as we have learnt percent means ‘out of 100’). As a challenge, the class also tackled some really tricky problem solving questions where they had to simplify the fractions in order for them to compare them correctly with a decimal or percentage.

At the end of the week, we started to look at how to find percentages of numbers. So far, we have focused on how to find 50%, 25%, 10% and 1% of a number. We used the bar model to help us find what we needed to divide the total by, and this also helped us to visualise each question.

Next week, we will be using our knowledge of finding 10% and 1% to find percentages such as 36% of a number or 89% of a number!

Well done, Year 6! You have worked incredibly hard in Maths this week – we have been really impressed with your learning.

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