
We are Brave, We are Strong, We are Kind.

What a treat for Year 5 today as we started another Relax Kids Term with Sian! It was lovely to take a time out from our busy learning schedule and work on our mindfulness, calming and relaxing techniques.

Sian and I were so impressed with how easily Year 5 settled straight in to the 7 step program of listening to our bodies and working through the stages of calming and relaxing.  You blew us away with how quickly you did settle into the relaxing and resting stages; great listening – well done everyone.

Everyone enjoyed the fizzy game with jumping, roundabouts and police cars!  We then worked on scanning our bodies to check for areas of tension and to check we were relaxed all over.  We thought carefully about our “I am Brave, I am Strong, I am Kind” mantra in our breathing techniques and finished with a lovely little nap while listening to Sian tell a relaxing story.

Thank you Sian, this was such a lovely start to our new term and we are very excited to complete the next few weeks with you.

6 comments on “We are Brave, We are Strong, We are Kind.

  1. Molly Foster🦒 says:

    Is it on next week because I’m sad I missed it 😞

  2. Yes it is Molly 😊

  3. Molly Foster🦒 says:


  4. Molly Foster says:

    I’m also excited to learn about Egypt next week lots of my friends have been FaceTiming me and telling me all about it!!

  5. I am so tired and relax after the sessions

  6. They are very relaxing 😌

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