Terrific Text Mapping
Over the past few days, we have learnt all about a group of Mountain Trolls that have been rampaging all across Europe. To our astonishment, it turns out that they have been spotted by a local resident stomping around the local area…
We use text mapping at Southill to help children learn the structure of a particular piece of writing. This week, we have been learning all about instructions and how to successfully ‘Catch a Mountain Troll’.
The children use symbols and actions to help them retain the text and I have been blown away by how quickly the class have grasped and understood what makes a clear and clever set of instructions.
I’m sure you will agree that they have performed magnificently.
Now that the children have learnt through imitation, next week, they will begin learning how to innovate this piece of writing in order to write their very own set of instructions.
What a Brilliant performance.
I loved the part when it says “help Is at hand ? mason was so funny ???