
Here you’ll find news of all our latest events, progress and updates as we work together to provide the very best of experiences for our pupils, here at Southill Primary

Leave a Legacy right here at Southill Primary! With donations of £10 or over, our Crowdfund project offers the unique opportunity to have YOUR NAME included within the official plaque of our Music Studio!  This means you’ll forever be part of our school and your wonderful support appreciated by future generations. You can even choose to nominate somebody else, if you prefer.  Perhaps someone who means a lot to you, to our school, a past pupil/teacher – the choice is yours.

Choosing to leave a legacy leads to legendary status of course – you’ll be part of our history but most importantly a significant part of our future too.


If you know much about Southill Primary, you’ll know that we are passionate about the arts. This includes our musical curriculum and unique opportunities and experiences for every child, in every class. We are lucky to have a specialist music teacher who focuses on engaging pupils with creative and practical lessons using innovative technological approaches – children compose, sing and learn to play a wide variety of instruments and they tell us that they love music! We have our very own ROCK BAND who perform regular concerts and also a ‘POP Stars’ club, both are wildly popular and have attracted great attention. These unique opportunities not only teach and nurture musical skills, they also help to build confidence, self-esteem, teamwork and communication.  Amazing! 🤩 

Our dream is to have enough space for our children to practise music, in a dedicated music studio. This will also help to more adequately host guitar and drum tuition from visiting teachers, at present we do not have the space to fully compliment all the exceptional activities and achievements here at our school. Our very important fundraising for this project is just beginning, we have so far enjoyed a selection of super fun events such as Southill’s Got Talent and a Family Colour Run, raising money for this purpose.

On this page you’ll find progress updates (stay tuned for very own digital fundraising Blue Peter-style thermometer!) along with events and general updates.  At present, we are busy exploring all the options available to us and what will best suit the needs of our children whilst keeping costs as low as we can. We are exploring the use of shipping containers, having seen some truly stunning examples for a similar purpose, and we are also looking at local trades, resources and grants which might be available. Our plan once we have identified these key elements is to share details here (we’ll update this page regularly) and we’ll also look forward to enjoying many more memorable events together along the way. We have been truly touched by the support of our families and that of the wider community, the future for our pupils is very exciting!

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11th July, 2024

Take a look at this lovely article from Dorset Echo for local band Knock N’Run, who started their musical journey with right here with us as part of our very own ROCK BAND! We are so pleased (and very proud) of the band that they’ve become and all their achievements since.  Catch them at a gig near you!

Teenage rock band from Weymouth perform at first gigs

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11th June, 2024

We’re pleased to report that our recent Musical Fitness Thursday session raised a total of ⭐️£847 for our music studio fundraising! We had a really great time with our crazy obstacle course set up with the help of our Bronze Ambassadors, FOSS and Tom Prior.  Our thanks to all who sponsored a child taking part in this event, online donations are still open HERE for late donations, it’s not too late!  Well done to all involved 👏

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29th April, 2024

IT’S LIVE! We’ve launched a Crowdfunding page to help support our dream of obtaining dedicated musical space for our pupils, with a Leave a Legacy option of making your mark forever here at Southill Primary.  Take a look!

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2nd December, 2023

With thanks to all those who came along and got creative at our recent Festive Wreath Making Workshop, we raised £394.02 towards our Music Studio fundraising!  It was a lovely morning, with thanks to our very own Karen Sharpe for her expertise and running the session and to Kate Carter for serving refreshments on the day and to Natalie Hall, Dorchester Tesco Community Champion for the generous donation of delicious mince pies.


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18th November, 2023

Our recent Nearly New Clothing Sale not only helped us to reuse and recycle as a community, but we also raised £76.33 for our fundraising. Thanks to all those who supported this event.


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1st October, 2023

Our Family Colour Run was a HUGE success! It was such a pleasure to welcome not only so many of our own pupils, but also members of the wider community to our school for a super colourful adventure for a good cause. We hope that if you came along, you had as much fun as we did!  We are thrilled to update that we raised a whopping £1,416.07 for our project, how incredible! You can read all about the day here.



12th September, 2023

WELL DONE to everyone who took part in our Governors’ Great BIG Summer 2023 Challenge – raising £20.23 or more for our project.  We saw some very fun and innovative activities from washing cars, selling cakes and treats to busking as a rock band on a driveway!  We are pleased to announce that we raised £1,498.38 – incredible! Certificates with medals were sent home to all children who took part. Thanks for your support, you’ll find pics here



7th July, 2023

WHAT A NIGHT! We smashed a night full of true talent and entertainment – Southill Primary style!  With thanks to all who bravely auditioned, who took to the stage and to everyone who came along to support our event. We are delighted to reveal that we raised a super £536.65 for our Music Studio fundraising and had lots of fun in the process.  Same time next year? Read all about it here



27th March, 2023

Our Secret Art Auction welcomed lots from a wide variety of local artists, authors and celebrities who kindly got creative for us to help with our Music Studio fundraising.  Bidders did not know the identity of each artist until auctions had ended, lending a truly exciting element to this unique project.  We are extremely grateful to everyone who took the time to support us, we received some stunning bespoke art pieces and raised £564 for our fundraising. It was brilliant! Read all about it here

Our fantastic Friends of Southill School (FOSS) PTA provide fundraising events throughout the year for our children, ensuring lots of fun and memorable moments for all.  The FOSS committee consist of parents, carers, grandparents, family and friends and welcome input from anyone who can spare any amount of time to help deliver such cherished experiences for our pupils.  No matter how small your input, you can be sure to make a big impact!  Our most recent events include school discos, winter/summer celebrations, bingo nights and spring trails. FOSS are extremely important to us, funding a multitude of elements including resources and equipment, subsidising school trips and residentials and even end of term treats.  More info can be found on their page here or get in touch at