Home Learning

Friday 8th September 2023


We will continue with the Little Wandle scheme for phonics and reading in Year 1. Each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the children read in small groups with an adult. Reading is always a priority at Southill and we are passionate about encouraging children to develop a true love of reading from an early age.  We will read your child’s new Little Wandle book in school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It will then be sent home on Wednesday for you to read and follow up at home. Your child will also start to bring home a school library book of their choice – this is not matched to their reading ability and is therefore a book to share together. Please record ALL reading in your child’s reading record so that we can see that reading, story sharing or other reading for pleasure is taking place every day at home. This can include when you read to them at bedtime too. All reading counts!


As of next week your child will have spellings to learn at home. These words are taken from the Year 1 National Curriculum and are ‘common exception’ words that your child is expected to be able to spell independently in their writing by the end of Year 1. You will notice that there are lots of  words that your child will already know from Reception. Please use this week to read through the words together and become familiar with them, don’t panic if your child does not know them all! We will be learning them and applying them in our writing throughout the year.

You can access the list in the link below. A copy has also been sent home with your child today for you to keep at home.



This week we have been focusing on initial maths assessments and recapping on learning from Reception. We always keep the first couple of weeks in Year 1 as similar to reception as possible, in terms of allowing the children to choose their maths activity and rotate between learning stations. Over the coming weeks, we will merge into a more whole class style of learning.

Our first unit of work is based on working with numbers 0-10. The children will be counting forwards and backwards and finding one more/less than a given number. Counting objects at home is great practice for this. I have also sent home a number line to support this.

Many thanks

Miss England