
What does Christmas mean to you?

This morning, we were really lucky to have Revd. Jo and Dan from Emanuel church come and visit the class to explain to us the importance of Christmas to them.  We then asked some really thought provoking questions after learning about the Christmas story over the past few weeks.  We planned our own questions such as:-

Why was Jesus chosen to be the son of God?

Why is Christmas on the 25th December?

Why was it only the three wise men who followed the star?

Why was the baby called Jesus?

Did Joseph know he wasn’t Jesus’ dad?

In what year was Jesus born?

When Jesus was born, why did they call it Christmas?

Why did God choose Mary to be Jesus’ mother?

Why did the angel say that Jesus was special?

How was Jesus going to be the future king?

Why did Emperor Augustus make everyone go back to their home town to register?

Were the angels that appeared to Mary real?

Why don’t angels appear nowadays

It was fantastic to have some experts tell us the answers and share their ideas and beliefs.  A big thank you to them and to Year 5 for their great questions and listening skills.

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