Stress and Relaxation
This afternoon, Lauren from the Mental Healthy Support Team came to speak to us all about stress and relaxation.
We began the session by discussing what stress actually is, how it can affect us and what we could possibly do to combat it. We learnt that stress is simply our response to pressure and it’s our bodies way of trying to cope with it. It was fascinating learning about how fight, flight and freeze has transcended down through our ancestors.
Using our Stress Bucket, children noted down things that make them stressed out. It was amazing seeing the various responses, showing just how different we all are.
We then thought about our play and what stress might do to our brains and body if we do not know how to respond. We talked about channeling nervous energy and reminding ourselves that we can do it! Some top tips were to not procrastinate, focus on breathing techniques, exercise to release endorphins and do something you enjoy. Lauren also highlighted the importance eating healthy and getting enough sleep.
Well done, Year 4. Some real pearls of wisdom which will hopefully help you in times of stress and how you can possibly relax.
Mr. Prior