
Year 6 Get Planting!

This afternoon, Year 6 ventured over to Tumbledown Farm to be involved in a very exciting community project. The project, which is being run by Weymouth town council, involves improving the area at Tumbledown to create an  environment where nature and our community can thrive!

Year 6’s task was to plant a range of different trees at the top of the field. After a  demonstration and safety talk, Year 6 grabbed some gardening gloves and spade and got to work! They had to carefully dig a hole into the ground, dip the roots in the a special liquid (which included fertiliser, water and a fungus) and place the roots carefully into the ground. They covered the roots back up with soil, making sure the ground was compact and firm. Finally, they protected the new tree with a cane – this prevents rabbits from nibbling the trunk!

The class planted an impressive 75 trees, which included: elder, alder, beech, hazel, dogwood, silver birch and downy birch!

Everyone had a brilliant afternoon and immersed themselves in the project. We are so lucky to have this space close to our school and we are already looking forward to visiting again the summer to see how our trees are growing!




One comment on “Year 6 Get Planting!

  1. Imogen Jones says:

    That was great.😃

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