We have had a great week celebrating Book Week in Year 1.
We started the week by looking at the book ‘Sam’s Sandwich’ which led to the children writing some lists of disgusting things they would put in a sandwich – lots of rather gross ideas were shared!
On Tuesday, we focused on the book ‘I’m not a toilet roll’ and followed instructions on how to make various things out of the toilet rolls, including mermaids, ninjas and rockets.
Wednesday saw the children becoming ‘Wild Things’ after reading the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. We made masks and focused on reciting parts of the book.
On Thursday we were artists. We all took part in an online illustration by Rob Biddulph. The children were fantastic at following along and were all successful in drawing a ‘Gregasaurus’.
Friday was our day for sharing our favourite books from home. We were really impressed with the level of enthusiasm the children all had when talking about their favourite book.
What a wonderfully ‘booky’ week!