
So what is inside a plant?

A very good question.  Today in Year 5, we found out!!  Using tweezers and scissors, we carefully dissected tulips to find out about all the parts of the plant.  We then laid out the different parts on a paper towel and had a closer look using a magnifying glass, discussed the differences in size and then found out about the important jobs they do.  We found out what parts of the plants help with reproduction. Some of the key vocabulary we learn were stigma, style, ovules, ovary, carpel, sepal, petals, anther, filament and stamen.  Plants are pretty amazing things; they are made up of both male and female parts.

Did you know that the stamen is made up of the anther and filament and is the male reproductive organ of the flower?  The carpel is made up of the stigma, style ovary and ovules and is the female reproductive organ of the flower.   Brightly coloured petals attract insects which aids pollination and the sepal protects the flower as a bud.

Wow – what of lot of things to be going on within a small flower.  If you would like to know anything more, do ask Year 5 as they are now experts!




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