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Weekly spellings and times tables

Weekly spellings and times tables


Multiplication Check- Straight after half term, Year 4 will be doing the multiplication check which will check how confident they are with their times tables. The children will need to answer 25 random questions up to 12×12 and be able to answer any question in under 6 seconds. As the test is online, TT Rockstars is a great online platform for the kids to use. Their usernames are stuck in the back of their Reading Records. To access the website, follow this link – Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com).


Reading – Please encourage your child to read as much as possible over half term. It’s also great for children to have the opportunity to read with an adult. Please write in their Reading Record Books and ensure these come back on Monday. If children need to complete a book quiz at home, then simply follow the link- Renaissance – Log In (renaissance-go.com).


Lexia– For those of you that also have Lexia accounts, why not login at home? Who knows, maybe you’ll make it onto our leaderboard in the 2%er assembly on Thursdays! – Lexia Core5 Reading – Login and Student Program




The spellings for this week are:



Spellings will be tested next week on Friday 7th June


Parents: all words are selected from the age-appropriate National Curriculum list of statutory words. These are words your child has to know by the end of Year 4. Please encourage your child to practice at home and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.


Times Tables

After half term, the children will be completing Speed Table grids. The children will have 6 minutes to complete as much of the grid as possible and will be scored out of 100. To help them practice, I have sent home sheets for them to have a go at. If a child is able to complete the grid in under 2 and a half minutes, they will move onto the next challenge (numbers muddled up and includes 11x tables and 12x tables).



On Friday after school, please ask your child to see their scores. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Mr. Prior 🙂