
What is Technology?

Today in Year 1 we have been learning all about technology. Before we started our new computing unit we came up with some ideas about what technology is. Interestingly, almost everyone thought that technology had to be ‘electric’. We had a look at how technology means things that help us, we then looked at different rooms in a house and found the different technology! Lots of us thought that the toilet being technology was very funny. We also looked at things like microwaves, kettles and sharpeners. All of these help everyday task become easier.

The next session focused specifically on computers and laptops. We looked at the different parts of a computer and labelled them. We talked about how the laptops and chrome books have lots of the same parts, but a laptop is much easier to carry around and use in different places. It also has a mousepad or tracking pad instead of a mouse that you plug in although they do the same job.

Finally we bought together the skills we have been developing over the lady few computing sessions. Logging in, creating and image using the mousepad and then adding some text using the keyboard. This is called digital media. Below you can see what we made and we have bought them home to share with you all!

A brilliant first day back, well done Year 1!

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