
Monkey Business!

What a brilliant day we’ve had!

The children all came in very excited for our trip to Monkey World. We boarded the coach (always a highlight on a school trip!) and headed off. Lots of the children spotted their houses and local landmarks on the way.

On arrival, we listened to a talk from Ali, one of the Monkey World staff, about how they look after the primates and how they all have different needs in order to thrive. The children were great at asking questions and listened really intently. We’re going to be using the information we learnt today, to help us with our writing over the next couple of weeks as we focus on ‘information texts’.

After our talk, we headed out to spot as many monkeys and apes as we could. The first ones we spotted were the woolly monkeys. These had fantastic long tails which we now know they use for balance. However, lots of these monkeys were sunbathing today!

After that, we headed to the chimpanzees and the capuchin monkeys. The capuchins were really lively and active, but the children agreed that they would all like to have a go at playing in the chimpanzees enclosure!

Some of the chimpanzees then headed into the indoor part of their enclosure, so we were able to view them really close up. The children had learnt about the feet of apes being very similar to hands, with their toes on the side of their feet. We could see this really clearly when they were sat right in front of us!

It was then lunchtime (which we had all been looking forward to since 10am!). We were so lucky with the weather, so we opted for a picnic lunch on the grass. After lunch, we spent a few minutes playing on the climbing equipment and the swings.

Then it was time to visit the orangutans. They were just brilliant. One in particular took a shine to a little monkey puppet we had taken along. She was quite fascinated with it for a while!

We then slowly made our way back to the coach and headed home. What a great day out. The children were a pleasure to take and all behaved themselves brilliantly. We were very proud of you all!

2 comments on “Monkey Business!

  1. Liam had an amazing day! Thank you so much!

  2. Rae had the best time and couldn’t wait to tell me all about it. Thank you for organising such a wonderful day for them.

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