
Acing Athletics

Acing Athletics


We had an INCREDIBLE time this afternoon. The sun was shining, the cool breeze blowing and the children were all raring to go. Our sport this half term is athletics and the children practiced some of the events that they would be competing in during their sports afternoon in a few weeks time. The athletic events we participated in this afternoon were:



-Shot put

-Egg and Spoon

-100m Sprint

-Tyre pull

-Sack Race

-Target Throw


The children were split into small groups and ventured round to the various activities in order to hone their skills and develop their understanding of how to thrive in each event. We even ended on a tug-of-war which was really fun! Congratulations to Pegasus who gritted their teeth, worked as a team and were successfully crowned the winners of this particular contest.

This afternoon has made me incredibly excited for Sports Week. In our next session, the children will look at some of the more unusual events planned…space hopper, 3-legged race and welly wanging!


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