
Awesome Athletics!

Today, Year 3 began practising for Sports Day! Each week leading up to it, we will introduce a new activity to help them prepare and feel confident in each sporting event.

On today’s list was sprinting, an egg and spoon race, hurdles, target throwing, a sack race and to finish the ‘tug of war’!

The children were split into small groups and then rotated around the different stations. They demonstrated our learning powers brilliantly by showing great resilience and reciprocity when working together. They  particularly impressed me with their jumping abilities whilst completing the hurdles!

I’m already looking forward to next week – great work, Year 3!

Bethan 🙂

One comment on “Awesome Athletics!

  1. Sophie Murray says:

    Fantastic! George enjoy all of the events but especially the sack race. We can’t wait for sports day! Thank you Bethan.

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