
A Special Sporty Treat

A Special Sporty Treat


This afternoon, ten children were meant to attend a tag rugby competition at Budmouth Academy. Unfortunately, the competition was cancelled yesterday due to the weather forecast which made us all feel bitterly disappointed. However, at Southill we like to still provide extra-curricular opportunities for children and we felt that the children who were selected should still be able to do something sporty.

We prepared the sports hall for an afternoon of both badminton and volleyball. The children had the chance to use the brand new equipment and develop their skills in two sports that a lot of them had never played before! We began with badminton and the children learnt how to serve properly, rally with a partner and play some competitive matches.

For the second part of the afternoon, the children learnt how to dig and set correctly with a partner before introducing the net. They were then set a challenge to see how many times they could hit return the ball over the net and keep the ball alive. One group managed to rally over the net 18 times! What an achievement.

We concluded the session with one large volleyball match. The children learnt where to serve from on the court and even developed their ability to set towards a teammate before smashing it over the net. It was a close game and a lot of fun!

Well done, Year 6. It was a very enjoyable afternoon indeed….

Tom Prior

One comment on “A Special Sporty Treat

  1. Thank you Tom for the lovely afternoon. I enjoyed it a lot xxx♥️

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