Home Learning

21st June 2024


We have started our new unit on Place Value (up to 100) this week. The children are expected to be confident with counting up and back from 0-100 by the end of Year 1. We’ve been focusing on the numbers from 50-100 as these are the ones most children are still a little unsure of.

Next week we will move on to partitioning numbers into tens and ones. This is what the homework is based on this week. Please take a few minutes to complete this with your child as they have not used part-whole models for a little while and might need support.



Some children will have a Lexia password and login Sellotaped on the inside of their blue reading record. This is a website designed to help with their reading.

Access Lexia here Please encourage your child to login for a few minutes as often as possible. Ideally, each child would complete approximately 40mins a week. The children do login at school, but we are unable to provide them with the amount of time they really need to benefit fully from the program. Please record in their Reading Record when they have used it.

Thank you so much for your support with this. It can make a huge difference to your child’s confidence and ability in reading.


I’m so sorry about the muddle up with reading books not coming home until Thursday this week.

Normal service will be resumed next week when Emily Jones is back! (Phew!)


Mrs Puddicks group:

They have been practicing reading words ending with ‘es’ making the ‘iz’ sound. Eg ‘crunches’, ‘brushes’, ‘dresses’.

They will continue to recap any Phase 3 phonemes they are unsure of until the end of term.

Emily E’s group:

This week we have introduced the following sounds:

‘eigh’ and ‘aigh’ making the ai sound eg; eight and straight

‘kn’ and gn’ making the ‘n’ sound eg: know and gnaw

‘mb’ making the ‘m’ sound eg: lamb and thumb

‘ere’ and ‘eer’ making the ear sound eg: here and deer


Now that we’re heading into the last few weeks of term, we are revisiting the words which the children find the most tricky from the Year 1 Common Exception Words. These are words which the children are expected to know how to spell by the end of Year 1.

This weeks words are…

