
Sports Week 2024

Sports Week 2024


Well, what a week! It was brilliant to see the return of ‘Sports Week’ and we were delighted to be able to welcome parents and grandparents, siblings and members of the Southill community into school in order to watch the athletic action unfold…

We began on Tuesday with the Reception, Year One and Year Two’s Sports Afternoon and we were treated to some thrilling contests. The children all participated in a range of traditional (and not so traditional) sporting challenges in their house teams. Considering for some of them this was their very first sports afternoon, I think they handled the occasion unbelievably well. Lots of smiles, teamwork, encouragement and fantastic individual performances throughout equaled a quite memorable afternoon for all indeed!

For the older children, the action was fierce! Beforehand, the children had chosen the events that they wanted to compete in to try and earn points for their respective teams. This is what athletics is all about; identifying your strengths and doing your very best for the team you are competing for. It also gave the children a chance to support and cheer on their teammates which was a joy to behold. Two fantastic afternoons filled with incredible moments.

After the scores were counted and verified, here were the three winners at the end of the three afternoons:


KS1 Winners – DRAGON

Years 3/4 Winners– PEGASUS

Years 5/6 Winners- GRIFFIN



-A huge thank you to every member of staff who has helped set up the events and ensure all children had a great time.

-A massive thank you to our incredible Bronze Ambassadors who have ensured the afternoons ran incredibly smoothly. You demonstrated outstanding leadership and organisation skills which resulted in three very successful sports afternoons.

-Thank you to every parent and grandparent, brother and sister who cheered the children over the finish line.

-Thank you to all the staff who have helped to put together an incredible Sports Week despite the blistering temperatures.

-Thank you to Mr. Frampton and Mrs. Hill who very kindly took some fantastic photos and videos across the three afternoons.

-Thank you to Paul Mason who has supported Sports Week brilliantly over the years. You will be missed next year!

-Finally, a huge thank you to all of the children at Southill who treated us to three thrilling afternoons of sport.


Do you want to relive the action? Then take a look at the video below.


Tom Prior




5 comments on “Sports Week 2024

  1. Lucy Desmond Weeks says:

    Thank you so much for a very fun, very warm, love that’s it’s competitive but fair Sports Day!!! We all had a blast!! 💙

  2. Deborah Bennett says:

    Thank you to all the brilliant teachers and helpers at Southhill, you really are a wonderful bunch.
    Ronnie and Elsie enjoyed their day immensely.

  3. This day was soo fun!Lucas

  4. Grace😘 says:

    I enjoyed this day so much, even though I fell on the hurdles. Thanks so much Southill 🙂

  5. OMG i loved that so much and it made it even better when pegasus won GO PEGASUS! i had so much fun and enjoyed it verry much.the funniest part to me was when i was already tired on the first lap on the 800m sprint and ended up walking for the next few metres until i decided to sprint to the finish line😂.thank you so much for making it happen👏💙XXX

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