
Welcome to Year 2!

Today, we had a great time meeting our ‘new’ class as part of our transition session!

We spent some time finding out what it will be like in Year 2 in the Autumn Term and have discussed what our learning will be about next year.

The first day back in the Autumn term is Thursday 5th September. Registration time for all classes is 8.45-8.55am. On the first day back, teaching staff will be in Unit 1 ready to greet children as they arrive and to support where necessary. After this, we encourage children to come in on their own so please drop them off in the playground and allow them to enter by themselves. Staff will be at hand to help.

Teaching staff arrangements for September will be as follows:

  • Reception: Mrs Puddick, Mrs Kench and Mrs Walkinshaw
  • Year 1: Mrs Clark (+ teacher tbc) and Mrs Harris
  • Year 2: Emily England and Emily Jones
  • Year 3: Andrea Warner-Lee and Matt Ryan
  • Year 4: Dan Bell, Matt Ryan and Sue Aitken
  • Year 5: Tom Prior and Mrs Murray
  • Year 6: Hayley Savage, Mrs Wallis and Kelly Harris

What will it be like in Year 2?

Now that the children are moving up into Year 2, we talked about how our expectation of them will change a little bit. Even though we are still in the same classroom, we will expect more independence and resourcefulness from the children as they progress through the year. Year 2 children will be expected to set the example to the new Year 1’s joining them in Unit 1 and show them how to use the cloakrooms and toilets in a sensible and safe way.

In order for the children to feel as though they are in a different and ‘new’ year group, we will be making some changes to the layout of the classroom for September. We want the children to feel like they are starting a fresh new year, not repeating Year 1.

In Year 2, as well as reading fluently, children are given the opportunity to practise their comprehension by taking part in the Accelerated Reader Programme where they can work towards becoming a Word Millionaire!

Exciting times ahead!

Reading and Maths 

Our class reading sessions begin every day from 8.45am and straight after the register, so it’s important that your child is here on time and has their reading book and Reading Record with them every day.

Please try to read as much and as often as you can with your child over the summer holiday, it really does make a huge difference to their success at school. The Summer Reading Challenge is running again via local libraries and is a really great way to help keep your child interested in reading over the holiday.

In maths, we will build on the children’s existing knowledge of numbers from 0-100 but will explore them in greater depth. The children will continue to cover units based on number, measurement and shape and will be introduced to statistics for the first time in the form of pictograms, tally charts and simple tables. Multiplication and division will also be introduced and the children will be expected to know their 2x, 5x and 10x tables by the end of the year.

How do I pass on important information?

If you have any questions or concerns at any time we do hope that you will get in touch, just as we will contact you if necessary. There are regular opportunities to meet and discuss your child’s progress throughout the year, in addition to this you can email us at:



Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to a really great year together in Year 2!

Emily England & Emily Jones


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