
Fun day at sign language club!

Over the past few weeks, some children in years one and two have been attending sign language club. This involves: games, the alphabet ,  learning to spell their names or any pets they have. We are hoping that the children will carry on with sign language club when they are older. We will carry on with this till the end of term and then, PARTY TIME ! WOOP WOOP! The party will be to celebrate the end of the club and we will give them the opportunity to do it in front of us and maybe their teachers.  We feel they have worked so hard to learn this. We are so proud of them. As a reward, some of them have been congratulated with best listener  awards, best signer awards. And as we have mentioned, a party.  Thanks to our fabulous year sixes, Izzy, Coco and Grace this club has taken shape.

The Sign Language Team.

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