Home Learning

Reading and Times Tables

There won’t be a home learning test next week because of our end of year celebrations instead! However, please continue to read daily and practise your times tables, via the TTRS link provided below. 


If you have a Lexia Login please try to do some at home – we are all trying to meet our weekly targets.

Unfortunately, completing book quizzes from devices out of school is not working at the moment, I will let you know once this issue is resolved. 


A great way to practise your times tables is via TT Rockstars – please click on the link provided.

By the end of Year 3, the expectation is for your child to know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, and 8 times tables.

Have a fab weekend, Year 3 and I will see you next week for a fun-filled final week together!

Bethan 🙂