
Goodbye Year 4…I’ll see you next year!

Goodbye Year 4…I’ll see you next year!


We have had an epic final few days in year 4! Yesterday we played water pong, got soaking wet and even had time to play our gadgets, gizmos and games. Today, the children had some time in the hall with their friends chilling and participating in an impromptu talent show. This was followed by some board games and time in the sunshine in the afternoon. Sue and I bought the children some small presents today just to say thank you for all of their hard work this year. We have loved every second teaching them and supporting all of them with their learning. I consider myself incredibly lucky that I get to be with this class again after the summer holidays.

Sue and I would also like to say a BIG thank you to everybody that gave generous gifts, said kind messages and handed us cards. We really do appreciate it. Below is a poem which I think summarises our time in Year 4 quite nicely indeed along with some snapshots from our final few days in four. Have an incredible summer. We’ll miss you!!


Year 4 Adventures 


Looking back at this year, 

It’s hard to summarise it in a page.

It seems very surreal that,

 it has reached its final stage. 



All of you have something you cannot teach, 

You’ve improved in concentration, mindset and grit. 

Every one of you have pushed yourselves to the absolute max, 

And that’s the end of it. 



I’ve watched your children achieve and grow, 

And improve day-by-day. 

We hope that all the things we’ve done, 

Have helped in some small way. 



We had fun on our trip to WOEC,

Where you took part in tunnelling and climbed so high. 

In fact, I swear I saw one or two of you, 

Touch the clouds up in the sky. 



On our London residential, we had so much fun,

Watched Wicked’s magic, a dazzling sight. 

At St Paul’s Cathedral, our journey concluded,

Every moment filled with pure delight. 



But let’s not forget our Romeo and Juliet performance, 

Where you delivered an incredible production. 

You acted, sang and knocked it out the park,

by following every instruction.



We’ve learnt so much during our topic lessons, 

Who can forget our Viking trip where we invaded. 

New Barn didn’t know what hit them, 

After Southill attacked and raided! 



We’ve read some amazing books together, 

Book Talk has never been a bore.

Nothing compares to the moment we entered, 

The magical Land of Roar. 



I really loved our Sports Day, 

We put your resilience to the test. 

Seeing you all compete whilst still showing sportsmanship,

Just highlights why you’re the best! 



I loved bringing in Martha to see you, 

You’ve heard my tales about Rex. 

With each story, smiles found their way,

Their joy was more than one expects. 



My favourite part this year however,

has been getting to know all of you.

You all mean the world to me,

And I hope you feel the same too. 



It’s with real happy memories,

That we’ll send you out the door.

With great hope and expectations, 

For what Year 5 will hold in store. 




I’ve loved being your teacher,

And there’s no reason to feel sad.

The news that I am your teacher next year, 

Has made me feel joyous and glad. 



One thing I’ve tried to teach you,

To last your whole life through. 

Is to know that you are amazing,

Just because, you are you!



We’ve had some incredible times together, 

Our transition day made us cheer. 

Hopefully next year doesn’t make you scream,

“I’m in Year 5…GET ME OUT OF HERE!”




I hope you enjoy your summer, 

The year has reached its end. 

Mr. Prior’s class…you are dismissed, 

It’s time to drive your parents around the bend!


One comment on “Goodbye Year 4…I’ll see you next year!

  1. Thank you for the happiest year of my life🖤🖤

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