
An EGGcellent first day back in Five

An EGGcellent first day back in Five


Despite the dismal weather, it was an upbeat, positive and memorable first day back at school for Year 5 today. It was so lovely to see them and talk about the new and exciting year ahead. We began by brainstorming what we could all do to make this year ‘THE BEST EVER’ and it was fascinating hearing the children’s ideas. Be a 2%er, look after our stationery, treat people with respect, be resilient and, of course, be the best class in the school!

In order to make our classroom look more inviting and welcoming, the children drew themselves as Bitmoji characters which we stuck around the entrance. We also created some bookmarks for the year ahead and we even played a game of ‘Fact or Fiction’ in order to see just how well I already know the pupils in the class. I must say I think I did pretty well…

Over lunchtime, it was lovely seeing the children make use of our new board games cupboard. After raiding the loft and various charity shops over the summer holidays, it was lovely seeing the children choose to play games rather than all flock towards technology! If you have any unused board or card games at home which you could donate to Year 5 then I am sure the children would make full use of them. 

In the afternoon, the children prepared for ‘The Great Southill Egg Drop’. They had a list of resources which they needed to use in order to prevent Egbert from getting a sore head once dropped from up high. The children worked reciprocally in their groups in order to draw diagrams and explain how and why their contraptions would help safely transport Egbert to the floor unharmed. It was great seeing the children labelling their diagrams and using scientific vocabulary such as: descend, air resistance and decelerate. Tomorrow, the children will put their plans to the test as they receive their resources ready to build their contraptions and we will see if Egbert survives!

Dabbers down as we ended with a friendly game of Bingo which became fiercely competitive. Well done to Freddie who won our ‘line’ prize and Maxwell for successfully securing the ‘full house’.

I have to say, even though we have been indoors all day penned in like a gaggle of geese, the children have been incredible on their first day back. I cannot wait for tomorrow.


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