
Caroline’s blog

I hope you are finding my blog useful. I see it as a dedicated space where I can share exciting updates, insights and the latest news from SP. As the headteacher, I believe in fostering a strong partnership with you, our school community, and this blog is a wonderful opportunity to connect with you all. I always love to hear your views so please get in touch with me on, pop in and see me or catch me on the playground in the mornings.

The week started off with much excitement. Children came rushing down to tell me that 3 bowls of porridge had been discovered in Y2 and there were reported sightings of bears on the trim trail, footprints and fur left behind! The mystery unfolded over the week and some excellent Wanted posters went up on display around school searching for Goldilocks. Have you seen her?!

In Year 4, there was palpable excitement too as children enthusiastically got stuck into their new writing project inspired by the wonderful book Varmints. They were definitely eager to unleash their creativity and explore the captivating themes of the story.

Hayley told the children about the DOMVS writing competition and held a lunchtime writing club which was very popular. It’s really great to feel a buzz for writing around the school.

Focus Fortnight – This is something we have introduced this term. Every two weeks we will have a whole school focus on an area where we can improve. At the start of term, we honed in on how to be a good listener and our focus for this fortnight is Reading Records and how we can use them to support progress in reading. As a parent, the most important thing you can do to support your child’s academic development is to read with them every day. We often find that parents stop using the Reading Record when their children move into KS2 but it is just as important then as it was in the earlier years. Please check in on your child’s Reading Record this weekend, read with them and make a comment. That would be amazing.

Sadly, we weren’t able to appoint anyone to the committee roles in FOSS (our PTFA) at the AGM on Tuesday. Unless we are able to appoint a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer FOSS will be dissolved. Please, please consider if you are able to help out. I know it can feel daunting to take something like this on but I promise you will have lots of support and it will be incredibly rewarding. It’s hard to imagine our school without all the fun events for children and the huge financial contribution FOSS makes to school to enable us to provide excellent opportunities and experiences. Please get in touch if you would like to help keep FOSS going.

It was wonderful to have so many children and families join us on the walking bus on Thursday. This was an unusual Fitness Thursday activity designed to encourage families to park at the shops and walk up. Parking is troublesome outside school in the mornings and I worry about the safety of the children with so many cars about. Parking at the shops and walking up is a lovely start to the day. It’s healthy and reduces the congestion around school at drop-off time. Why not build it into your morning routine?

Mental Health Schools Team (MHST) delivered a workshop to support families when children are experiencing anxiety. We’re fortunate to have a great relationship with MHST and they do lots to support us in school. If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health or if you want to know more about how we work with MHST, please get in touch.

That’s it from me, apart from to let you know about some upcoming dates:

  • Scholastic Book Fair starts Wednesday 16 October after school in the library
  • Harvest Festival for Reception and KS1 – Wednesday 23 October at 2.00pm in the hall. Parents welcome to attend.
  • Parents Evenings – 22, 23 and 24 October
  • Coming to England theatre show – Friday 25 October.

Whatever you get up to this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful time.




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