Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to Year 1

Online Resources for Home Learning

Purple Mash

Class Curriculum

Autumn 2 2024


As the children are now very familiar with the morning routine please continue to encourage your child to come into the building by themself as they are familiar with this from reception and one of us will be on hand to help if needed. Our day finishes at 3:15. We will bring the children out to the front pedestrian gate and see that they are collected safely. Please wait for us on the pavement where we can see you. If you need to let us know about any changes to collection arrangements please let a member of staff know in the morning or email using the email address provided below. Please note on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays Hannah will be teaching and Mrs Clark will be teaching Thursdays and Fridays. Please email both of us with any messages or questions. Mrs Harris will be here everyday.


We have now started learning the phase 5 graphemes. New sounds are introduced daily from Monday to Friday, along with new tricky words too. It is really important that children are in school promptly, every day, to learn these new sounds and words. Plesase help your child to recognise and read these graphemes in their reading books.

Here is an overview of the new sounds we’ve introduced so far and what’s to come until Christmas:

Autumn 1 week 4: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (toy), ea, (each)

Autumn 2 week 1: ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue/rescue), (unicorn)

Autumn 2 week 2: (go), (tiger), (paper), (he)

Autumn 2 week 3: a_e (shake), i_e (time), o_e (home), u_e (rude/cute)

Autumn 2 week 4: e_e (these), ew (chew/new), ie (shield), aw (claw)

Tricky words: their, people, oh, your, Mr, Mrs, Ms, ask, could, would, should, our, house, mouse, water, want.


Reading continues to be an important part of the day. Your child will learn to read their ‘learning to read’ book with an adult on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following the Little Wandle Scheme. The book will then be sent home with them on Wednesday afternoon to share at home and increase fluency. On Thursday or Friday afternoons we will visit the library where your child has chance to choose  a ‘reading for pleasure’ book. Please ensure that your child reads or shares a book at home every day and that this is recorded in their reading record.

Your child’s reading book and reading record need to be sent into school each day to enable us to read at school and monitor your child’s reading progress.

In order to promote a love of reading for pleasure we would encourage you to do a mixture of; reading the ‘learning to read’ book, sharing a story from our library or one of their favourites from home.

In class we share stories daily and keep a list of the books that we have read to look back over and enjoy some of our favourites time and time again. Stories from our Year 1 reading spine include…


Our writing this half term will be based on ‘Naughty Bus’. We will use this text to write a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. As we continue to learn new graphemes we will be using these in our writing. This half term we will continue with the continuous provision approach that the children have been familiar with from reception providing a mixture of child initiated and teacher directed tasks each morning but there will be a gradual move towards slightly more recorded tasks.

In Maths, we will be learning addition and subtraction. We will be using a range of methods including counters, tens frames, numicon, part-whole models and number lines. We will also begin to learn the number pairs that total ten. Every child now has their own login to Numbots – please use this at home to help your child with their recall of key mathematical facts.

Project Learning

This half term our project is history based learning about toys from the past 50 years.

Physical Education
Our PE lessons continue to be on Thursday afternoons focusing on ‘sending and receiving’ which will be outside when possible. Please ensure your child wears a full PE kit into school that is weather appropriate – school jumper and dark trousers. If the weather is wet we will be inside.

Keeping in Touch

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to email us at:



Please copy us both into all emails. We will respond within 48 hours on our working days.