
Caroline’s blog

It’s been a cracking week here at SP. On Monday, Year 4 were down at Weymouth Pavilion preparing for their performance of Twelfth Night in the Shakespeare by the Sea Festival. They were able to experience being on stage and they had a fun drama workshop as well as a tour and a potted history of the theatre. The Pavilion staff said that Southill Primary pupils were the best behaved of all the schools. Well done everyone! Year 4’s next adventure takes them to London where they will see Disney’s musical The Lion King as well as a visit to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre where they will have a workshop with an actor to help them prepare for Twelfth Night. The actual performance is in the evening on Wednesday 12th February. I can’t wait!

This week, I have met with all the teachers to talk about how the children got on in the autumn term. The meetings were really positive and it was great to hear about the progress the children are making. After meeting with each teacher, I felt really proud of the teaching team and of the children who are all working hard together to ensure that Southill Primary is a happy and successful school.

Hopefully you have seen my Ping about the changes to our writing curriculum. It was great to see that these changes are starting to have a positive impact already on children’s attainment. If you have any questions about the changes to the writing curriculum or if you would like to know more about how to help your child with writing, please get in touch.

We’re committed to ensuring that our environment is inclusive, equitable and conducive to learning for all pupils. To support this, we ask all parents and children to adhere to the guidance outlined in our uniform policy. This policy has been carefully developed to ensure that uniform costs are affordable while also being practical and inclusive of all pupils’ needs. By following these guidelines, you help us maintain a sense of community and equality within our school. Thanks for your support.

Next week we will be trialing a “Week Without the Bell” initiative to create a more inclusive environment for all our pupils, especially those who are sensitive to loud noises. During this week, we will use alternative, quieter methods to signal transitions between lessons and activities. We believe this change will foster a more comfortable and conducive learning environment for everyone. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Lastly, to help support us managing attendance, we kindly ask that you let us know each day if your child will be late or absent because they’re not feeling well. When you do, please share specific details about why they are absent, rather than using general terms like “not well” or “poorly.” This clear communication helps us keep accurate attendance records and ensures the wellbeing and safety of all pupils. If you can, please include information about your child’s symptoms or any medical advice you’ve received. This can help us monitor any potential health trends within our school community.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.




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