
Backpacks and suitcases

We’ve had a luggage themed week in Year 2. The week began with a mysterious suitcase appearing in the classroom. It was covered in lots of commands, questions and statements. We managed to pick the lock on Tuesday (using a hair clip) and discovered some honey, homophones and a note inside. This spurred us on to do lots of brilliant writing! On Wednesday, a book arrived in the suitcase called ‘The Bear under the Stairs’. We have been doing some letter writing in role as the children in the book. The children have been brilliant at using their imagination and have come up with some fantastic ideas.

In our history lessons, we are learning about explorers and where in the world they went. This ties in brilliantly with the geography as our knowledge of continents and oceans is fresh in our heads.

We looked at what items explorers might need to pack in their backpacks. We concluded that they would have been very heavy and uncomfortable, especially hundreds of years ago!

We had a go at trying on Emily’s backpack and decided we wouldn’t want to walk too far with it on our backs.

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