
Learning to celebrate in Reception

I thought we could end this half term by celebrating the variety of learning from our classroom this week. Here is a snapshot of what we have been getting up to!

We are now experts at using watercolour paints to create beautiful pieces of art. Look how we can use really fine brushes now! We looked at a vase of beautiful daffodils to give us inspiration.

As mathematicians, we have been using vocabulary to describe length. This was a child-initiated activity to build on this learning – the children eventually made a long snake that reached out of the classroom door, across the hall and right to the far wall! Amazing!

The children also took this learning into other areas of the classroom – decorating different lengths with gems, making playdough families of worms, measuring to make things in the craft area and wrapping sticks with lengths of ribbon, all whilst developing our mathematical vocabulary.

Look out for our phonics, reading and writing skills! Looking for digraphs in words, making our own books and challenging ourselves to read words independently.

I must also share some outdoor learning too – building and construction and some interesting creations from our outdoor kitchen!

Not forgetting our popular diggers – a bigger digger!

Thanks for being amazing learners.

One comment on “Learning to celebrate in Reception

  1. Louise Dixon says:

    So much fun and learning which is so lovely to see. Well done all.

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