
Caroline’s blog

Welcome to my weekly update from Southill Primary.

I hope you all had a really good half term. I always feel that spring is well and truly on its way after the February break. It was lovely to see everyone back together.

There is lots going on in terms of curriculum enrichment at the moment especially in History

  • Year 5 had an excellent day yesterday learning all about Ancient Greeks. They looked fabulous and I know that dressing up helped them to immerse themselves in the event. Thank you for supporting with this.
  • Year 6 are visiting the Tank Museum on Monday to support their learning about World War 2 and the role that Britain played.
  • Year 2 are visiting Lyme Regis Museum on Monday to help them find out more about pioneering palaeontologist, Mary Anning.
  • Year 3 are excited for their visit from Howard Carter on Wednesday. He’s going to tell them all about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb as they delve deep into their project on Ancient Egyptians and find out about their greatest achievements.

Not only that, it’s Book Week! You will have seen my Ping about the events happening in Book Week. There’s lots going on for the children but the main headlines that you need to be aware of are:

  • Monday: Children are invited to bring in a book to swap in their class
  • Thursday: Option to dress up as a book character or bring in a hat inspired by a story. Also don’t forget our FOSS Toy and Book Sale at 3.15pm in the Hall.

Rev’d Jo has sent an invitation to all families to join in the Pancake Party. Sounds fun!

Hope you all have a happy and safe weekend.


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