Home Learning

Friday 22nd May 2020

Welcome to Friday’s learning at home.

Spelling Assessment

Today we would like to find out how well you have learnt your spellings this week.  Grown-ups, please read the following sentences to your child for them to write:

I will use this tricky word in my story.
I will work hard on my learning at home.
The bird found a worm to eat.
Where in the world is Wally?
Kind words are worth much and cost little.

Spellings are not set for the holidays so enjoy a week off next week!

Some families have requested the remaining words due after half term.  If you would like to continue learning spellings after half term you can find the words here:

Next spellings

English Task

Today we would like you to continue writing your innovated story.  Remember to use the every time tool kit.  If you get your story finished today and have some time to look back and edit it then please think about the three ways to edit and improve your writing: corrections, additions and substitutions.  Can you correct any spelling mistakes or add missing punctuation?  Can you add some exciting adjectives or adverbs?  Or maybe take things further and add an extra sentence or two in different places to add more detail or description?  Can you make some changes, replacing words or phrases with something more detailed or exciting?  Please share you finished stories with us, we are really looking forward to reading them.

Arithmetic Task

It’s time for you to show us how good you are at remembering multiples of three.  Please count back in threes, writing the numbers, in order, from 36 to 0.

Show your grown-up who will mark them for you.  Please let us know how well you did.  Good luck!

After half term please continue practising your recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times table facts using TT Rockstars.

Maths task

Today we would like you to have a look at the BBC maths lesson for today.  You can find this at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z7s22sg/year-2-and-p3-lessons/1


As you know, after half term we are directing you to the BBC for daily lessons.  There is no expectation for you to continue with MNP and we will not be available to provide daily support once we are back working in school full time.  Children in school will be following the daily BBC lessons.  However, some parents have asked for the following information so we are sharing it with you all.  The remaining chapter we were due to cover is Chapter 14, lessons 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Time).  The requirement by the end of year 2 is to be able to tell the time to five minute intervals including quarter past and quarter to, drawing hands on a clock to represent these times, sequence intervals of time and know the number of minutes in an hour and hours in a day.  As telling the time is a vital life skill you may like to encourage your child to tell and use time during your every day activities.

Extra Reading Materials

If you would like some extra reading please follow this link:

Antarctic Gazette Activity Card

These are the remaining comprehension activity cards, should you like them after half term:

Arctic Yoga Activity Card

Polar Bear – Fascinating Facts Activity Card

Go Fish Activity Card

Mr Snuggles Gets Lost Activity Card

The History of the Yoyo Activity Card

Victorian Toys Activity Card

From a Railway Carriage Activity Card

How to Repair a Bicycle Puncture Activity Card

The Naughty Bus Activity Card

The London Underground Activity Card

Terrific Travel Competition Activity Card

Terrible Tornadoes Activity Card

Song of the Seasons Activity Card

How to Build a Snowman Activity Card

Trick or Treat Activity Card

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Activity Card

The Pendle Witches Activity Card

How to Make Teachers Disappear Activity Card

We hope you have a lovely half term break and that the weather stays nice so that you can all enjoy some time outside.

Please have a look at our end of week blog full of lots of photos of all your super home learning – we are so impressed with you all!

Also, look out for our special whole school staff video…

Happy learning!

Mrs Clark and Mrs Murray