Home Learning

17th June

Wonderful Wednesday

Phonics: Letters and Sounds lesson 37. The last one to focus on adjacent consonants (letter blends) in words for now before we move on to longer words for a few days.


Video clip to watch: Watch this episode of Maddie’s Do You Know – looking at bird nests. You just need to watch the first half of the episode as it then goes on to look at bike helmets.


Can you see how sticks are used by the birds?

Picture of the day: Following on from the video, here are some interesting nest pictures to talk about. The first nest belongs to blue tits. The bird nesting in the box is a robin and there is a blackbird collecting nesting material.

Choose one of the pictures to write about. Listen carefully when sounding out the word nest or stick.

Sentence starter ideas: The ………   I can see…….   I like…….   Look at……… That …………  Try to use some interesting words today – include the colour of the bird or the nesting materials in your sentence.


Maths: Activity card for today. This is exploring time – using sand and digital timers.

For this activity you will need a collection of small objects (marbles/shells/buttons/counters) and some pots, baskets or trays. You will also need different ways of measuring time, such as sand timers, stop watches or timers on phones.

Try the main activity then you could also try the ‘development and variation’ section ideas as well.


Other Activities

Mini Playdough Challenge: With a small ball of playdough can you make a tiny cupped nest shape and roll some tiny egg shapes too?

If you like, you could add some feathers or tiny twigs.

Getting Outside: Nest building – have a go at making a nest outside. Use any natural materials you can find. These are 2 ideas but I expect you can make even better nests! Have fun.