
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 2020

What a true pleasure it was to provide Year 6 with a Leavers’ Assembly yesterday, we’ll admit that it wasn’t an easy task and that there were several moments when we really didn’t think that we’d be able to.  However, our plans all happily came together in the end and it was great to see everybody, socially distanced of course.  We hope that you enjoyed what we were able to put together.

We’d like to say thank you to our parents and carers who came along for following the guidelines that we needed to put into place in order to keep everybody safe.  It was certainly a little different from our usual procedure. There were a few elements that we couldn’t include due to current restrictions such as the children singing a song and you may have noticed that they all put their medals on themselves.  We were careful not to touch or share any items, we’ve got used to this of course over the last few months!

Year 6 were all so brilliant at taking part in each section of the assembly – sharing memories of their time at Southill, hopes and thoughts about their future, the Southill Top Ten best moments (residential trip to St Ives got the top spot) and the person most likely to awards were highlights.  Well done everybody.   Mr Prior read a really great poem that he had written for the Dolphin group, who have spent the last 7 weeks with him.   Mr Smith read ‘Guess Who’ clues describing each of the class, which we all had fun at guessing. We were also treated to a few video messages – Mrs Wood read some very lovely words reflecting on her time with the class which was a lovely surprise and Rev’d Jo Haine recorded a message with a prayer as she wished everybody well.  Although at times, we’ll admit, Jo’s dog Willow did steal the moment!  It was good to see you Willow!

After another highlight of receiving hoodies and a meaningful message from Mr Mason, we all enjoyed the Year 6 Leavers’ Video.

This year may not have turned out as we had hoped, however as the video says we have shared 7 years of special memories and great experiences with you all on your Southill journey.  We wish you all well at your secondary schools and in everything that you choose to do.  Keep working hard, keep being positive and most of all keep being YOU.


Never forget where it all began …


A special message from Mrs Wood:


Message and prayer from Rev’d Jo Haine:


Year 6 Leavers’ Video 2020:


Live stream from the assembly:

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