Home Learning


This week’s words to learn are:

(spelling pattern: adding the ‘est’ suffix)

Parents: The focus  for spellings is now a combination of Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception words from the National Curriculum.  Please focus on the the first three words as a priority.  If your child can spell these words confidently then please move onto the next three words.  Children are being taught strategies for learning spellings as part of their work at school.  Please encourage them to practice at home during the week and carry out an occasional test to prepare them for Friday morning.  When your children are confident spelling the words please encourage them to use them in sentences.   This will help with understanding and using the words in context.   They could also find more words that fit the spelling pattern of the week.  They will be tested by writing the words in dictated sentences.


Mental Maths Facts

Know and recall the two times table facts in any order.

Test: complete the missing number equations, e.g.

7 x 2 = ___

___ x 2 = 24