Home Learning

15th July

Wonderful Wednesday

Phonics: Letters and Sounds lesson 57. Words ending in _ing.


Transition Focus Activity 3: Saying Farewell

Ending the academic year is a time for your child to say farewell to current teachers and sometimes to classmates too. Talk to your child about the friendships they have made this year. Who is important to them and why? What are they going to miss most about their teacher/assistant? Support your child to draw around their hand on paper and then carefully cut it out. On the template, ask your child to draw or write a goodbye message to a friend or teacher. On each finger, with support, they could write the qualities that this special person has displayed over the year e.g. kindness, being helpful, etc.

Bedtime Story: The Dawn Chorus


You could draw, paint or collage pictures of the creatures in this story.

Getting Outside: Part 3

Nature Activities Part 3 – Woodland Trust

Zoom Challenges: Here are some challenges to prepare for our Zoom meeting tomorrow morning.

1: Paint and decorate your name on a large piece of paper to hold up for the zoom camera.

2: Take your cardboard nature collectors (from previous activity) outside to collect some treasures to show to the zoom camera.

3: Choose and rehearse a favourite nursery rhyme to sing to your friends on zoom (at home, sing along with your school friends in the meeting)

Children at school will be joining the zoom session in their class bubble, supported by staff. Children at home have received invitations to join.