Home Learning

15th June

Welcome to a new week – Learning for Monday

Good morning everyone and here we go with another week of fun based around our topic of ‘Out and About’ – exploring the world around us. 

Phonics: Letters and Sounds lesson 35. We continue looking at words with adjacent consonants as well as reviewing sounds and tricky words.


Our story of the week: Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley.

Follow this link to listen to the story being read and to see the pictures.

Picture of the day: Look at this amazing tree house! I wonder who lives there? Can you see any clues? What can you see in the tree house? Make a list of some of the things you can see.Remember, write each word underneath the last one. Sound out each word carefully and use your sound board to help you with digraphs and trigraphs.

Maths: This week there will be a different activity card each day for you with ideas of an activity to try. This activity is called long creatures. All you will need is some paper/card and pens. Have fun with long and thin card – fold it in different ways to make creatures of different lengths. There are ideas for adults to talk about during this activity.

Here is a picture of 2 creatures for ideas to get you started.

Other Activities

Construction Challenge: Can you build your own treehouse, like the one on our picture today? Use materials such as lego or Duplo. Look back at the picture for some ideas. You could use small leg people or other characters to play in your tree house. Why not try this activity outside near some trees!

Getting Outside

Bark Rubbings: Let’s go outside to explore some trees and become bark artists.

Singing: Sing to start the week off with a smile.


Have a great day – keep looking out for clouds and now trees and sticks this week!