Home Learning

16th July

Thinking Thursday

Phonics: Letters and Sounds lesson 58. Words ending in _s


Zoom Meeting: 9.30am

During the meeting we will:

Wave and say hello to everyone

Look at your decorated names

Look at your nature collectors

Listen to groups sing to us

Listen to a story

Transition Focus Activity 4: Individual Qualities

Ask your child to think about what makes them special. What makes them different to other people?

At Home: Using an old shoe box, make a ‘Special About Me’ box. Your child could collect items from around the house that represent their personality such as a paintbrush, a storybook or a pair of dance shoes.
At home or school: Alternatively, your child could carefully cut out pictures from magazines or draw pictures to represent their individual qualities. Talk about the importance of being unique together .

Bedtime Story: Handa’s Surprise


What fruit do you like to eat? Maybe make a fruit salad to eat at home?

Getting Outside: Part 4.

Nature Activities Part 4 – Woodland Trust