Home Learning

18th June

Tasks for Thursday

Phonics: Letters and Sounds Lesson 38. Starting to look at longer words.


Picture of the Day: Can you remember these parts of the story about Stanley and his stick? How was Stanley using his stick in these pictures? What would you use the stick for? 

Write about Stanley and his stick today to tell us about his adventures. Some sentence starter ideas could include: His stick was……..  It was……….  The stick was……..

Encourage the children to sound out these words on their own  – listen for sounds in the word ‘stick’. Encourage the use of their sound board to find the tricky word ‘was’ or ‘he’. 

Maths: Activity card – Making Footprints.

You will need small blocks of different shapes, some playdough and something for rolling it flat or you can pat it with your hand. In addition you could try other objects to make interesting footprints – spoons of different sizes, lolly sticks, leaves, shells or small world characters. If you don’t have dough or ingredients to make any, try pressing objects into soft earth outside.

Other Activities

Chris Kenny, an artist, creates artwork using materials he has ‘found’. Here are some of his pieces created using twigs. Have a look and talk about what you can see.

The first is ‘Twig Circle’ and the next two are both titled ‘Twelve Twigs’. Use some of the twigs you collected earlier this week to make some of your own twig pictures. Don’t worry about sticking them down- just place them on a piece of paper and card, then take a photograph and come up with a title for your artwork. Please send me some photos!

Getting Outside: Have fun out and about on a bike or scooter today, even if we have some rain showers.

Time to sing: Enjoy singing along with this song about growing things in the garden. I enjoy growing things in my garden and my beans are doing very well!