Home Learning

23rd April






It’s Thursday – try out these learning tasks.

Picture of the day: I found this picture (pobble365) and thought it would be great fun to write about. Decide which animal/s you are going to write about. You could describe 1 or 2 of them or even write a few sentences today for a challenge. Where are they and what are they doing?

Phonics: Here are some more words with letter blends at the end (CVCC). Watch out though as there are some digraphs in these words. When you write them in your phoneme frame, the digraph goes in one box. Here is an example:





Try these words…

roast      toast     lunch    munch    burst

Another useful word to learn how to sound out is  went.  Try writing that one too and say it in a sentence.

Reading challenge: Choose one of your favourite story books at home. Snuggle up somewhere cosy or take it outside to read. Read it with and adult and look out for some of our tricky words (you can find them on the back of your sound board). Look out for the orange and purple words. When you have read the book, talk about your favourite character in the story and why you chose them.

the  to  I  no  go  he  she  we  me  be  was  my  you  her  they  all  are

Maths: More fun with Supertato today! It looks like you will be making colourful patterns. Scroll down the page to Day 4.



Drawing challenge: Have a go at drawing a crocodile today.

Discover: Try and find out about some of the animals from Rumble in the Jungle. Visit National Geographic Kids (links below) to find out some interesting facts. Read together and see if you can learn any new words. This is all about talking together so don’t worry about the children reading this information.You could try this word challenge idea (see below). You could try this with just 1 new word you discover.

10 Giraffe Facts!

10 Hippo Facts!

10 unforgettable elephant facts!

Spot the difference challenge:

Webcams: Look back for previous webcams to see what the animals are doing. Here is a link to the webcams at The National Zoo. There are even bingo cards for when you are watching!




Have a great day – tomorrow is Funny Friday! More animal fun, some alphablocks and maybe an adventure with Andy!