Home Learning

9th June

Tasks for Tuesday

Phonics: Moving on to the next section of lessons today where we look at words with adjacent consonants (we looked at these – letter blends). Use a phoneme frame to help you segment the word to hear each sound. Lesson 31 today.

Story: Have another look at the Eric Carle Story from yesterday and talk about your cloud watching too.

Picture of the Day: An interesting picture for you today – something to wake up your imagination! Have a look at this and talk about some of these questions/ideas:

How did the building get into the sky? Was it built there?
What are the extra windows for?
What are the different people doing?
What are the three people on the roof doing? What can they see?

Now have a go at writing about the picture. You could start your sentence with: It is………  The house…..  I can see……  I like…… They are……..

Remember, some of these are tricky words from your sound board (like, they, are) and some you will need to sound out (house – might be sounded out as hows).

Maths: Watch this Numberblocks video The Three Threes and use ideas from the guide (shared yesterday) to talk about the episode together.


Extra challenge at home: collect 9 small objects (stones, sweets, counters..) and 3 plastic plates/pots. Can you share the 9 objects equally between the 3 plates/pots? There should be 3 objects on each plate.

Other Activities

Drawing Challenge: Look at the picture of the day – the building in the sky. Cut a piece of paper into a cloud shape (an adult might like to help with this) and draw your own building in the sky. What building will you draw? Will there be people in your picture too?

You could also try the same activity with lego/construction – use a cloud-shaped piece of paper as the base and build something on the cloud.

Getting Outside: Outdoor Sketching

You will need: Paper, pencil and a clipboard (or a piece of cardboard with a clip at the top).

Head outside and find somewhere to sit. Look around and talk about ideas for things you could sketch (a rough drawing) – this could be a tree, flower, bird, leaf, stick, cloud…

Don’t worry about colours – this is just a pencil sketch of what you can see.

If you fancy some singing, try one of these songs. They encourage us to look up.

The bear went over the mountain

I can sing a rainbow

Well done everyone. Back tomorrow for wonderful wednesday.