Below are lots of activities for you to choose from over the holidays. They focus on recapping skills that we have learnt this half term – this will really help your child on their return to school in January.
There are also some topic based activities which will help your child to get the most out of their new topic in January called ‘School Days’.
Please continue to read the book that was sent home to increase fluency and comprehension. Share stories together and use books to find out information. Perhaps you could perform your favourite story, rhyme or poem to some friends or family.
If your child has a lexia log -in it has been stapled into their reading record. Follow the link below and use the log in details from the log in card. This is an independent activity so an adult is not needed once logged on.
Not all children have one so please don’t worry if you cannot see a log in card in your child’s reading record.
This half term we have been focusing on using our ‘every time toolkit’. This includes finger spaces, capital letters and full stops throughout our writing. We have also been focusing on using our sound mats to support sounding out unfamiliar words and the Year 1 common exception word list for spellings.
Your child has bought home a sound mat and will already have the common exception word list. Please use this when writing to ensure sounds are being represented accurately and letters are being formed correctly.
At home you could….
Write a diary. Who have you seen? Where have you been? Have you done anything special throughout the holidays?
Write a letter. Perhaps you have received some gifts and would like to thank the person who sent them? Maybe you could write a letter to a friend who you haven’t seen in a while and post it through their door?
Write some facts. Do you have a favourite non-fiction book at home, or maybe you had one as a present. Write up some of your favourite facts on mini fact cards.
This term we have been focusing on numbers to 20. It is important that we can say, order, write and represent numbers to 20 with confidence. We have then been using numbers within 20 to look at addition and subtraction.
At home you could…
Write numbers 0-20 on little cards, muddle them up and then order them. Take one out. Which number is missing?
Choose a number card and represent it using objects. Focus on representing teen numbers by making ten initially and then counting on from ten until you reach the number that you are trying to represent.
Addition and subtraction – look at the challenge cards below. These are word problems. It is important to focus on the use of the word ‘altogether’ this means we need to add. Equally, when we are asked ‘how many are left’ it means we have taken some away therefore we are subtracting.
Work through a mixture of the cards together. Remember you can draw objects, dots, number lines and number bond diagrams to help you. We have practiced these lots of times in class.
Topic – School Days
Our new topic when we return to school is called ‘School Days’. Your child has bought home some information about this for you to look at.
To help your child to get the most out of our topic learning, you could start to explore the topic by looking at the document below and choosing one or two activities to complete together.
school days home learning activities
Thank you for your continued support this term.
Have a great holiday!