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Daily Task – Thursday 2nd April 2020


Click on the link below and log in to espresso – log in details are below. Read the excerpt from ‘Stormbreaker’ and then take the multiple choice quiz. Once you’ve taken the quiz click on ‘print further questions’ which will display ten further questions that require written answers – there’s no need to print the questions out. Make sure you check how many marks each question is worth when deciding how much information to include in your answers. Optional extra task: write a summary of the excerpt including all the important information in less than 500 words.


log in details for espresso: username: student10987    password: southill123


Complete Mental maths Quiz 6:4. Answers in tomorrow’s blog.

Did you work out your mean (average) score so far? Will your score in quiz 6:4 improve your mean score or reduce it?

Maths No Problem

Answers to yesterday’s Guided Practice questions:

1(a) ratio of a:b=1:2     1(b) ratio of x:y=5:1

2(a) length of PQ= 9cm    2(b) length of AC= 9cm.

Chapter 12 lesson 10. Workbook pages 119/120. As well as measuring the lengths of the triangles’ sides in questions 1. and 2. can you also measure their angles? What do you notice? Remember what ‘similar’ means when we talk about triangles.

The workbook pages shouldn’t take you too long today so here’s an extra task!

Draw a bar graph to show your scores so far in our Mental Maths quizzes. If you don’t have any squared paper then use lined paper and mark 1cm intervals along the horizontal axis which you can use as a guide to draw your bars. You will only be able to draw bars for your first three scores so far but make sure you have enough space to draw enough bars to show your future scores – we may do as many as ten of the quizzes! Decide what to label your axes and give your bar graph a title. What should you notice about the height of the bars?!

Extra extra task: Have a go at drawing a line graph to show your scores so far. I’ll provide guidance on how to do this tomorrow but if you’re brave have a go today. What else could you draw line graphs for? What about a line graph linked to the Mount Everest task from earlier in the week showing how many people climbed the mountain in certain years?


Don’t forget to keep reading as much as you can. If there’s a quiz for your book then make sure you take it. The link to Accelerated Reader is below.
