Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Friday 27th March

Good morning everybody!

We hope you have had a great week so far and enjoyed the tasks!  We would love to see any work you have completed and are proud of, or anything else you have achieved or enjoyed over the week.  Send any photos or snippets to our email!

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths: x10 x100

Calculate the answer to these sums and write them out.  We will post the answers on monday!

34 x 10 =

178 x 10 =

2.6 x 10 =

0.73 x 10 =

0.084 x 10 =

34 x 100 =

178 x 100 =

2.6 x 100 =

0.73 x 100 =

0.084 x 100 =

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 9 Geometry

Lesson 6 – Investigating Angles At a Point

Give your child time to look at the ‘in focus’ task.  It is asking you to draw two lines and see if they will cross each other.

Maths No Problem refers to angles with intials indicating each end point and the middle point of the lines, so LSAB means points S and B are at the end of each line and point B is in the middle at the point where the lines meet.

Let’s Learn: page 85 – 87 – Follow Ruby’s steps and draw the angles in stages in your exercise book.

Guided practice: page 87 – practise more angle drawing in your exercise book.  Remember our tips discussed in clas:

  • line up the line on the protractor with the bottom line of the angle on the the page
  • make the point of the angle meet the middle point of the protractor
  • read from zero on the first line across the gap to meet the point at the end of the second line of the angle

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 6: Pages 57 – 58

Reading Task: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.

Remember to log on to Accelerated Reader and complete quizzes for all the books you have read!

If you have a Lexia account, try to log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.

Writing Task: Spellings.

These are your spellings for the week:







Your task for today is to look up their meanings and write them in sentences of your own.  Practise them throughout the week and give yourself a little text next Friday – we’ll be asking for results!


With all this lovely weather but nowhere to go, it is getting pretty frustrating!

But have no fear, follow this link to find information on museums which are offering virtual tours online.  Visit the Great Court of The British Museum, the artwork in The Guggenheim Museum and the archeology in the National Museum of anthropology in Mexico City!


Why not have a go at a scavenger hunt around your house or in your garden?  You could ask your adults to set you a scavenger hunt, or you could set one for them!

Some ideas are:

  • an alphabet hunt – find things which begin with every letter of the alphabet
  • a shape hunt – find things of different and unsusal shapes
  • a colour hunt – as above but with colours
  • any mixture of textures; something fluffy, something made of wood, something spiky
  • items related to a book or a film of your choice; star wars toys/items of clothing a character would wear

We would love to hear about what you find, or any unusual hunts you have set each other!