Good morning everybody!
Please note I am in school today so will be unable to answer emails promptly.
Please also note there will be no Home Learning set tomorrow on the Bank Holiday, enjoy your day! If you would like to partake in any VE Day activities, I have posted some ideas at the bottom of this page.
Here are your tasks for today:
Mental Arithmetic: 9x tables.
Today I would like you to revisit this website and game from yesterday and complete steps 3, 4 and 5. This will be in place of your times tables test which would have taken place tomorrow. Let me know your Diploma results!
Please access your TTRockstars account as well, using your Purple Mash logon details and play some games. Remember, your scores will count towards our whole school competition scores against other local schools this week!
Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 11 Measurements.
Lesson 8: Converting units of mass.
In Focus: Allow them some time to read through and think about the problem given. What are pounds? Are we converting from weight to money? Does that sound correct? Have we seen pounds used to measure mass? What for? How many pounds are equivalent to 1 kg? If children are unsure, 1 kg is the same as 2.2 pounds (lbs). So how many pounds are there in 2 kg? Allow pupils time to add 2.2 lbs + 2.2 lbs. Can we do the same thing to find out how many pounds are in 4 kg? If we know how many pounds are in 2 kg and 4 kg, can this help us to find how many pounds are in 6 kg? What about 8 kg? Take some time to use number facts to help find the various totals in pounds.
Ask pupils if it is possible to use multiplication to work out how many pounds are in 10 kg. Give them a chance to think about this and attempt to solve the problem in this way. Tell them that 2.2 lbs can be written as 2 1⁄5 lbs. Is this correct? Is .2 equivalent to 1⁄5? Can I multiply 2 1⁄5 by 10 to find out the number of pounds in 10 kg? Use Let’s Learn 4 to demonstrate the two methods. Which method works best? Use one of these methods to find out how many pounds are in 15 kg.
Let’s Learn: Use Let’s Learn to consolidate answers to In Focus Problem. Which method in Let’s Learn 4 works best? Use one of these methods to find out how many pounds are in 15 kg.
Guided Practice: Children are estimating the masses of three people. They will also need to think about masses less than 1 kg and work out if they are more or less than 1 lb.
Workbook: Complete Worksheet 8, pages 113 – 114.
Reading: Well done to those of you who are reading widely and completing quizzes, but we are still only at 17 minutes average reading per day as a class! Come on year 5, get reading and get quizzing! Let’s make an effort over the Bank Holiday to enjoy some reading in our well earned rest and relaxation time!
If you have a Lexia account, please log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.
Don’t forget your Book Buzzes! If you have recently read a book which you would really like to Buzz, send it through to me and I will include it in next week’s Home Learning post!
Writing: Please revisit our Talk For Writing ‘Rhiswanozebtah’ information text from Ted Splorer using your storymap.
Today, we will be thinking about grammar and brackets in particular. What are brackets used for?
Brackets (which always come in pairs) are used to separate off additional information that would interrupt the flow of a sentence or cause confusion if commas were used instead. The information in the brackets is not essential to the meaning of the original sentence.
Here are some examples:
1. The Rhiswanozebtah (a very strange creature) likes to live in rainforests.
2. The explorers (who have recently returned from Mongolia) are setting off on a new safari tomorrow.
Have a go at completing the sentences below by adding in some additional information of your own about Rhiswanozebtahs.
The skin of a Rhiswanozebtah is covered in feathers (which are ____________ ) and fur.
Rhiswanozebtahs live in different places (like ___________________ ) and tend to live alone.
Many young Rhiswanozebtahs (aged___________ ) can travel vast distances.
Now try some of your own, write 2 sentences about a topic of your choice containing additional information in brackets.
As there will be no Home Learning set tomorrow, I am including some sentences to test your spellings today. Parents, please read the sentences aloud for the children to copy into their writing journals. Let me know how you get on!
1. The air felt electric as lightning flashed threateningly close to them.
2. An artist often pens a signature on his work to claim ownership.
3. The children had an active imagination from all of the books they had read.
4. He was attached to the teddy as it had been comforting him since he was born.
5. I would like to accompany you to the park on this glorious day.
Here are your new spellings to practice ready for next Friday:
Topic: VE Day
VE Day celebrates Victory in Europe Day – the day that Nazi’s in Germany officially surrendered, marking the end of the World War II. It takes place on 8th May, commemorating the same day back in 1945 when the war finally ceased. On that day, people across the country flocked to the streets for parties and get-togethers, enjoying their freedom for the first time in six years.
This year, VE Day falls on Friday, so the May Day Bank Holiday has been moved to tomorrow. At this current time, celebrations are obviously muted, but that doesn’t mean you can’t remember this victorious occassion in your own homes!
- The BBC has a short video you can watch here explaining the events that led to the end of the war.
- Twinkl has some lovely resources which you can find here with a bunting design, a Spitfire making activity, wordsearches, colouring sheets and plenty more.
Even though we can not socialise with other people, you could still hold your own street party in your garden! Take a table outside and celebrate as the people of England did on Tuesday 8th May 1945 with flags, cakes, music and dancing! There are some VE Day themed recipes here you could bake and make, yummy!
Whatever you decide to do, I would love to see any pictures you would like to share of you remembering, celebrating and enjoying the day!
Well done and thank you to all of you who have sent me your topic work from this week, I am loving seeing your drawings and reading your research. You are all staying so focused and resourceful, it is just great to see!
You all did well to estimate the ages of the maps, the dates are as follows:
Map 1 = 1774 Map 2 = 1600’s Map 3 =Early 1500’s Reign of Henry VIII
This week we will be researching Royalty associated with our town and using some of our artistic skills to represent them.
Please look closely at the pictures of two Kings associated with our town below, King George III and King Henry VIII.
Your first task is to choose one and draw their portrait in your own style in your journals. The great thing about art is that there is no right or wrong way of doing it, it is completely your own work.
Think carefully about using your pencil to copy the lines, shadows and tone of the image. Look closely at the clothing and headwear, how do they both differ?
Your second task is to research and write up a little bit of history of your chosen monarch and how they are related to Weymouth. You could use Google, Wikipedia or The Weymouth Museum websites. Or try or
When did they come to our town? Why did they visit? What did they do here? Did they leave a legacy (something that remains)?
Remember not to just copy what you find out, read through and choose only what you feel is relevant to your research!
I would love to see both your pictures and your research, please send anything you would like to show me!