Home Learning

Daily Tasks – Tuesday 21st April 2020


We’ll continue the writing unit started yesterday with activities 3 & 4. Have fun! 


★ Have a go at drawing, painting or creating your own door. What design
would you choose? What would it represent?

★ Below is a list of idioms about doors. Can you work out what they mean?

Idiom                                                                                                  Meaning
as one door closes, another opens
at death’s door
behind closed doors
through the back door
dead as a doornail
foot in the door
keep the wolf from the door
knocking on heaven’s door
leave the door open
show somebody the door
slam the door in somebody’s face

When you have written out the idioms and their meanings why not add an illustration to go with them?



Mental Maths Quiz 6:6 first nine questions.


Answers to Quiz 6:5. Don’t forget to update your results graphs!


Maths No Problem

Well done those of you who spotted the mistake in yesterday’s answers to workbook pages 117/118. Thank you to Trent who pointed out that the answer to 1(b) should have been 50 degrees and not 80 degrees.

Chapter 12 Lesson 11. Complete the Guided Practice section on pages 153 and 154 of the textbook. On page 154 it asks you to use ‘pattern blocks’  to create nets of a shape. You will need to use pieces of paper cut to shape – if you have tracing paper/baking paper or thin plain paper you can trace the required shapes.

Complete Workbook pages 121/122.

Extra task: why not draw your net for the pentagonal prism in question 2(c) on paper or thin card, then cut it out and make your very own pentagonal prism?!


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