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Daily Tasks – Tuesday 24th March

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well. Here are today’s learning tasks. Good luck with them.

Maths No Problem (see yesterday’s email for top tips to find your way through a MNP lesson).
Chapter 8 Decimals: Lesson 1 Writing Tenths
Textbook pages 2,3,4 Workbook pages 1 & 2

This is the first of a series of lessons on decimal numbers. This will be new to the children, probably only coming across decimal numbers in the context of money before eg £3.25. The lesson introduces the children to decimals as another representation of fractions, part of a whole number – (we spent the last 2 weeks on fractions).

Lesson Notes: To begin this lesson, show pupils the In Focus task and discuss the problem with them. Ask the class to look at the 2 squares and their shaded parts. We know that 1 square shaded fully in pink is 1. It means this is 1 whole. What about the other square? Does it also represent 1 whole? (Yes.) How much of it is shaded? What is the number that can represent the parts shaded in pink? Let’s look at the square carefully.
How many parts is the square divided into? How many parts are shaded in pink What do we call 2 parts out of 10 parts? (2⁄10) How do we read it? (2 tenths) So how do write 1 part? (1⁄10) How do we read it? (1 tenth)
Explain to pupils there is another way of saying 1⁄10 and that is using a decimal. We can write 1⁄10 as 0.1. The dot is the decimal point. Tell them that 1⁄10 is read as 1 tenth and 0.1 is also read as 1 tenth. So we know that 1⁄10 = 0.1 = 1 tenth.
How do we write 2⁄10 as a decimal? Refer back to the In Focus task. The 2 shaded parts in pink are 2⁄10 = 2 tenths = 0.2.
Next, ask them to compare 0.1 and 1. Which is the larger number? How do we know? When 1 is divided into 10 parts, each part is 0.1. So we know that 1 must be larger than 0.1. We also know that 1 is 10 times as much as 0.1. Then ask pupils if they know how many 0.1 make 1.

Mental Maths / Arithmetic
Multiplying by 10

see tutorial – link below

53 x 10 =        67 x 10 =          43 x 10=          ? x 10 = 540          ? x 10 = 240
343 x 10 =          587 x 10 =           619 x 10 =            ? x 10 =2,130            ? x 10 = 7,650

Writing Task
Watch the 1st 2 episodes of the Macbeth story (https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks2-macbeth/zdt42sg). Remember that Macbeth sent a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth telling her of his meeting with the 3 Weird Sisters and their prophecy upon him. Imagine that you are Macbeth – confused, excited, weary from battle, ambitious. Have a go at writing the letter that he sent his wife. Try to get across to the reader the battle that is going through his mind.

Weekly Topic Based Task
It was a real shame that we couldn’t take our trip to the Globe theatre last week. I have however found a link (below) to a visit to the Globe by two of the BBC Newsround presenters. They discover what it was like to go to the theatre in Shakespeare’s day. Watch the 6 minute video and then have a try at doing the challenge that the presenters set at the end of the video.