Home Learning

Daily Tasks Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning everybody!

Please note, I am in school today so will be unable to answer your emails straight away.

Here are your tasks for today:


Mental Maths Challenge: 8x tables

Have another go at filling in your Speed Racer laminated sheet practising your 8 x tables.  Then play a quick Speed recall.  How fast can you recite the 8x tables verbally without stopping?  All the way from 1 x 8  to 12 x 8?  Without making any mistakes?!  Ask another person to time you and let me know your times!

Maths No Problem: Textbook 5B Chapter 10 Position and Movement

Lesson 3: Describing movements

In Focus: The In Focus task today is leading us to think about lines of symmetry.  If we were in class, I would have given you sheets of squared paper with the shapes on and asked if you could fold the paper so the shapes lie exactly on top of each other, this is what Amira is asking if it is possible.  Just have a chat about it then move on to the Let’s Learn.

Let’s Learn: If you have a mirror you could use to place along the line of symmetry that would be great, if not then don’t worry, as our MNP friends will show us about reflection in the Let’s Learn section.  Notice how the number of squares from the line to the shapes is the same in both reflected sides – that is important to recognise.

Guided Practice:  During Guided Practice, you need to draw the mirror line so that shapes reflect each other. They are also drawing reflections of a given shape with a mirror line provided, not exact copies, so think about the direction the shapes will face if they are reflected.

Workbook: Complete Worksheet 3, pages 81 – 83.  On page 83, you will need to reflect the shape and draw it twice so think carefully about the direction each shape will face when reflected in two different lines.


Reading: Your child should try to read for at least 20 minutes every day.  Remember to log on to Accelerated Reader and complete quizzes for all the books you have read!

If you have a Lexia account, try to log on and complete at least 15 minutes a day.


We have finished learning The Game so today I would like you to use yor storymap to retell the story to another member of your family.

Then please answer the following Read as a Reader questions in your journals.  Remember to answer the question in full sentences.

1. Does The Game remind you of any other stories that you know? List them:

2. Danny and Susie had a good choice of things to do at wet play time. Is that TRUE or FALSE?

3. Find and copy a word that is closest in meaning to disappointment.

4. Write down two things that children are doing in the classroom.

5. Is Mrs Allbright the teacher in the class? YES or NO? What are the clues that tell you this?

6. Why might another lunchtime inside be stressing Mrs Allbright?

7. Look at this comment from Danny:   “An animal game? Boring!” said Danny, already losing interest.  Why might Danny think the game would be boring?

8. What were the three signs that something bad was going to happen once the game started?

9. List the things the spider did once it was out of the game.

10. The text says: “Her eyes widened in horror as she realised what was coming next.”   What might Mrs Allbright be thinking at this point?

11. Why did Susie put the dice and counters into the bin?

12. Billy spotted the game on the shelf at the end of the story. What do you predict might happen the next time it’s wet play?

Global Goals: Earth Day

Today is Global Earth Day and some of you may remember that a few years ago we looked at the 17 sustainable Global Goals aimed at achieveing these 3 amazing things:  End to extreme poverty, Fight inequality and injustice, Tackle climate change.

If you are interested and would like to know more or follow some activities around Global Earth Day, follow this link World’s Largest Lesson Global Goals

Topic: History

Over the next few weeks,  I would like us to undertake a History Project into our home town of Weymouth.  I think it is a lovely opportunity to learn a little bit about our local past which has helped to shape the town we live in today.  And you’ll be suprised, the history of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis has more to offer than you may think!

I thought it would be great to start with the history of our own homes, so your task for this week is to find out anything you can about the history of the house where you live.

You could ask your parents, relatives or neighbours for anything they may know, any tales or stories they have heard or any documents they may have.  I am lucky enough to have been passed the original architects drawings for my house:

You could search online for any local history pages which may have photographs of your road.  If you live in a new estate, could you find anything about the land use before the house was built?

I have googled Southill Weymouth History and found some Francis Frith old map images of Southill and Radipole which are interesting to view.

It would be lovely to hear about anything you may find out, no matter how big or small!