Spelling Assessment
Today we would like to find out how well you have learnt your spellings this week. Grown-ups, please read the following sentences to your child for them to write:
The boy showed great kindness in his letter.
There was much happiness on her birthday.
I read this book just for enjoyment.
The police asked for a statement.
The doctor gave me some ointment for my skin.
Please let us know how well you did.
Next week’s words focus on the /or/ grapheme making the /er/ sound and are:
English Task
Today we are going to continue looking at words from our story and classify them as either a verb, adjective or noun. Remember, verbs are doing or being words, adjectives are describing words and nouns are naming words (people, places or things). Please draw the table from this attachment into your writing books and add the words to the columns from the bottom of the page.
Arithmetic Task
It’s time for you to show us how good you are at remembering multiples of three. Please count on in threes, writing the numbers, in order, from 3 to 36.
Show your grown-up who will mark them for you. Please let us know how well you did. Good luck!
Next week’s arithmetic will focus on continuing to learn the multiples of three, but we will be asking you to recall them counting back from 36 to 0.
Maths task
Here are the answers to yesterday’s worksheet:
Today, we would like you to have a look at Lesson 5, solving word problems on volume of water in litres using addition and subtraction, on pages 194-195 in the MNP textbook. The focus of this lesson is to recognise whether to add or subtract to find the answer to the problems. Please start by covering the ‘Let’s Learn’ section and focusing on the ‘In Focus’ task. What is the answer to the problem? How did you work it out? How did you know what to do? What clue from the problem helped you solve it? Now continue through the ‘Let’s Learn’ tasks on page 194 and the ‘Guided Practise’ on page 195. You can work out the problems and write the answers in your writing book.
Finally, complete worksheet 5 on pages 163-164 of the MNP workbook. Remember, you can use a number line, the column method or draw pictures of tens and ones in your workbook to show how you worked out the answers.
Extra Reading Materials
If you would like some extra reading please follow this link:
Who Is Buzz Aldrin Activity Card
Please do keep sending us your pictures as we love to see how you are getting on each week. We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Happy learning!
Mrs Clark and Mrs Murray