Home Learning

Friday 18th Sept 2020

Spellings – this week we will practice some tricky words again. Hopefully you will all know these from reception, so it will be a case of recapping them at home. We will test spellings next Friday. We will not send test scores home, however we will be discussing their progress at parents evenings later in the term.







This week we have started our Maths No Problem scheme. We are looking at numbers to 10, making sure we are confident representing and using them in different ways.

At home practice counting backwards and forwards from any given number.

Have a go showing numbers in different ways – this will support your learning this week. For example how could you show then number 5? You could draw 5 dots, or collect 5 objects. You could look on a dice for the 5 or you could circle it on a number line.


Thanks for your continued support.