Home Learning

Friday 24th April 2020

Phonics – on Friday’s we would usually do spellings and tricky words. However, as we started this week with some games I thought it might be better to carry on with the routine from the last few days. Especially as lots of you have emailed to say it has been tricky settling back in.

Today’s sound to recap is /ph/. This is a digraph which means two letters working together to make one sound. The P and the H making the /f/ sound is usually seen in longer words. Think about and write down some everyday, short words with the /f/ sound in. fun, fat, fill. Now
visit phonics play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk you will find the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’ in the ‘free phonics play’ section. Click on ‘Phase 5’ which is down the side of the screen on a pink tab and then scroll down to the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’ you then need to select ‘Phase 5’ again and it will ask you to choose your sound. Today choose ‘ph’. We have played this at school so the children will be familiar with it.

Next Segment and write these words together talk about how these words are longer than the ones that you looked at earlier (fat, fun fill)... elephant     phonics    dolphin   telephone   microphone

Finally write a silly sentence using these words. For example… The elephant phoned the dolphin.


English – Sidney Spider

Well done everyone – lots of great ideas about likes, dislike and surprises yesterday! I have had lots of positive feedback about the ‘set’ activity to complete so hopefully today will be as successful.

Follow the same structure that you followed yesterday….

Start off retelling the story – with actions if you have some. If not don’t worry, you might want to point to the pictures as you retell.

Next, go to page 7. The activity is called – Who said what?   Once you have completed those perhaps you could have a go at writing some of your own speech bubbles, what else do you think the characters might say? How are they feeling?

Y1-Unit Talk For Writing

Don’t forget our ‘every time toolkit’ in our writing. Whether we are writing a few short sentences, or a whole story these are essential every time. They are; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We also need to remember to stretch out all of the sounds that we can hear in words and say our sentences out loud first to make sure we know what we are writing. As an extra challenge try to read your writing back, checking it for our ‘every time toolkit’ without adult prompt.


Maths  – finding half (2)

Today have a go at the activity below. Copy and paste the link into your search bar. The activity focuses on ‘finding half’. It is really important to emphasise the fact that half is one of two equal groups. The word ‘equal’ is essential to reinforce that a group can be split into 2 in many different ways, but it is only half when the two groups are equal.
